Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Airmic, 1st August 2020
Airmic’s annual survey report highlights the risks and megatrends impacting organisations and provides the context in which risk professionals are operating. The report walks us through how we can navigate five megatrends and their connectivity, and the effect of the pandemic on other risks.
Airmic,Aon, 15th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 13 (19th June 2020)
In this webinar from 15 June 2020, cyber experts from Aon will take you through how the cyber landscape has changed as a result of the pandemic, together with the key considerations for risk managers to create a data driven approach to managing cyber risk.
Airmic , 12th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 13 (19th June 2020)
How are organisations transforming their business models to ensure resilience, value and growth in the digital age? This Airmic report highlights the business and organisational trade-offs that leaders and managers will have to grapple with while walking these revolutionary roads, as well as the implications of the trade-offs for risk management and governance.
Baker Tilly, 7th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 13 (19th June 2020)
Data becomes more valuable to a company when it emerges from lockdown, and this makes them more susceptible to the demands of ransomware hackers. Data backups is the solution, but companies must also regularly test the backup files, among other considerations highlighted in this article.
Friday Reading Edition 13 (19th June 2020)
Board members are called upon to champion cyber resilience in the face of risks such as data breaches. This article from Aon includes a top ten list of cyber governance directives for board members.
This series of podcasts from Zurich examines building reopening and machinery restarting, school reopening, returning to the workplace, and construction project restart, to support businesses through the coronavirus outbreak.
UK Home Office, 27th April 2020
The latest advice and guidance from the Home Office on how you can protect yourself and your business from fraud and cyber crime.
Airmic,BLM,CFC, 15th April 2020
This Airmic white paper examines what can be learned from the major investigations and fines since the GDPR came into force two years ago, with updates in the context of the COVID-19 situation. Includes a useful checklist for risk managers on complying with the GDPR as an ongoing project.
Based on an analysis of ransomware claims in the past five years, this report highlights the rising costs of ransomware events for both insurers and insureds, and the issue of non-affirmative coverage.
techUK, 16th March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 3 (9th April 2020)
Part of a series of insights on the resilience of technology to changing work patterns, this piece by techUK highlights several common cyber security risks which many organisations will need to manage.