Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Zurich, 13th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 93 (11th February 2022)
Jen Clark, Senior Risk Engineer, and Paul Redington, Regional Major Loss Manager, discuss the rising risks associated with floods and how flooding across the UK is changing.
Harvard Business Review, 25th January 2021
Friday Reading Edition 92 (4th February 2022)
[Limited free articles per month for non-subscribers] Psychological safety around risk reporting is, as a solid body of research indicates, essential to the speak-up culture that is the oxygen of risk management – how Swissgrid introduced two parallel risk management processes in its enterprise-wide system to identify and mitigate strategy risks, external risks, and novel risks.
McKinsey & Co, 2nd November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 92 (4th February 2022)
Many of the costliest risk and integrity failures have cultural weaknesses at their core. Here is how leading institutions are strengthening their culture and sustaining the change, during the pandemic.
Airmic,QBE , 11th June 2018
Friday Reading Edition 92 (4th February 2022)
This guide is designed to equip the risk professional to support their organisation in understanding risk culture, the link between risk culture and risk appetite and how culture can be positively harnessed in these times of transformational change.
International SOS, 1st January 2022
Friday Reading Edition 91 (28th January 2022)
Utilising International SOS risk rating algorithm, experts share their views on the future impact, their key predictions and recommendations for organisations to consider when accessing medical risk ratings of specific locations.
Airmic, 23rd November 2021
Friday Reading Edition 86 (10th December 2021)
Risk management has a reputation for caution and deliberation, but not moving fast enough can be a risk in itself. The new space race taking place between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos provides Stephen with the illustration for this point. The two American billionaires are markedly different in the way they approach risk, both offering lessons for enterprise risk managers across sectors.
House of Lords Select Committee on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning, 3rd December 2021
Friday Reading Edition 85 (3rd December 2021)
The UK must be better at anticipating, preparing for and responding to a range of challenging risk scenarios, including those which it has never experienced before. The report emphasises that the Government’s current strategy of centralised and opaque risk assessment and risk management, which fails to make adequate preparations, has left the UK vulnerable.
Risk Management, 1st October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 85 (10th December 2021)
Social media can not only introduce reputation risks but cybersecurity concerns as well. To address these threats, organisations should develop methods to screen for potential problems and effective social media policies that establish appropriate expectations for employees’ social media conduct.
HDI, 21st April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 83 (19th November 2021)
The pandemic has sent shock waves in all directions, causing businesses to examine their practices in many areas and to think about possibilities for improved solutions for the future. In supply chain management, our experts identify three critical areas brought into sharper focus by recent events.
Lloyd’s,AIR Worldwide,Airmic
Friday Reading Edition 83 (19th November 2021)
As supply chains have evolved and become more complex, insuring interconnected business interruption risks has grown more challenging. This report, co-produced by Lloyd’s and AIR Worldwide, describes a novel approach to help risk managers and insurers close the protection gap before the next catastrophic supply chain disruption occurs.