Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Zurich, 22nd February 2024
Organisations will need to be more proactive in anticipating and mitigating the risks posed by disinformation and misinformation.
RAND, 4th November 2024
Friday Reading Edition 197 (19th April 2024)
Moscow's growing friendship with Tehran may signal that Russian influence in the Middle East remains strong. However, it could also signal the opposite: Russia may realise that its future role in the region will be contingent on the favour of an increasingly capable Iran.
Flashpoint, 15th April 2024
Friday Reading Edition 197 (19th April 2024)
In the midst of the Israel-Hamas war, a digital battlefield has emerged, echoing patterns seen in pervious conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war.
Chatham House, 15th April 2024
Friday Reading Edition 197 (19th April 2024)
A contrary view: The strikes demonstrated a more assertive approach from Tehran, but the region’s security now depends on Israel’s ability to play a longer game.
RUSI, 15th April 2024
Friday Reading Edition 197 (19th April 2024)
Iran's failed attack on Israel highlights the danger of miscalculation and escalation in the Middle East. With the risk of further conflict and the looming threat of a nuclear Iran, the region faces a dangerous crossroads.
International SOS
Friday Reading Edition 197 (19th April 2024)
International SOS Security Director James Robertson provides insights into the Iranian actions against Israel over the weekend, the latest developments, and the broader context of the Greater Middle East. Also discusses the various scenarios organisations should be planning for, including the triggers they should monitor.
Marsh, 3rd May 2024
Friday Reading Edition 194 (22nd March 2024)
Groundbreaking advancements like AI bring new threats — especially as the rapid acceleration and integration of these technologies can expose businesses to unforeseen digital vulnerabilities. Equally, innovations relating to AI could prove essential to tackling cyber threats.
AXA XL, 28th August 2023
Friday Reading Edition 194 (22nd March 2024)
Though no cases have been confirmed, deepfake technology may be leveraged by “kidnappers” to extort exorbitant ransoms from their victims. It’s a risk every corporation needs to keep on their radar.
WTW, 15th March 2024
Friday Reading Edition 193 (15th March 2024)
This year we will see 83 elections in 78 countries. What consequences might the 2024 'year of elections' bring?
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 6th March 2024
Friday Reading Edition 193 (15th March 2024)
While there is no doubt over the election’s outcome, the presidential campaign is already exposing the myth of complete consolidation around an irreplaceable president. Vladimir Putin may be winning in the short term, but he is strewing mines beneath the country’s future.