Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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House of Lords Select Committee on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning, 3rd December 2021
Friday Reading Edition 85 (3rd December 2021)
The UK must be better at anticipating, preparing for and responding to a range of challenging risk scenarios, including those which it has never experienced before. The report emphasises that the Government’s current strategy of centralised and opaque risk assessment and risk management, which fails to make adequate preparations, has left the UK vulnerable.
Lockton, 25th April 2021
Friday Reading Edition 84 (26th November 2021)
Andrew Simpson focuses on the importance of a creating a healthy workplace environment and protecting the mental health of employees now more than ever. Find out how mental health strategy is a collective team effort in order to breakdown stigmas and create a more open and understanding workplace where staff feel comfortable to share their challenges and overcome difficult times. This article outlines ways in which organisations can tackle mental health challenges ahead.
Aviva, 26th July 2021
Friday Reading Edition 83 (19th November 2021)
Some of the world’s biggest companies are setting ambitious net-zero targets, with significant implications for their supply chains. How impactful could the ripple effect be in helping to meet the goals set out in the Paris Agreement?
CIIA, 1st October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 82 (12th November 2021)
As well as the need to prepare for the physical impacts of climate change, Boards must help their organisations adapt to the requirements of new national and international laws and regulations that will embed sustainability in products and services.
Airmic,QBE, 13th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
If there is one positive to be had from Covid, it is that Airmic members now consider their organisations to be more agile and adaptable than they were before. This is important as planning and executing in uncertainty is no longer the exception, and operating flexible and adaptable business models is critical to success.
Airmic,Arthur D. Little,QBE, 6th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 78 (15th October 2021)
Part of the Airmic EXPLAINED series of guides, this guide provides an introduction to the concept of risk appetite and addresses the myths, and the links with culture, maturity and sustainability. Defining and implementing risk appetite (often also referred to as a risk attitude) is a strategic activity that involves the Board and top management, as it must be aligned with strategic objectives, and requires consensus and engagement from the organisation’s leadership. This guide is essential reading for those new to the risk management profession, or for those who find themselves with a responsibility for risk management as part of a wider role.
Airmic,Herbert Smith Freehill, 5th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 78 (15th October 2021)
The Insurance Act was the most fundamental change to UK law governing commercial insurance and reinsurance since the Marine Insurance Act 1906. It governs all polices placed, amended or renewed after the 12th August 2016 and aimed to address the imbalance between insurer and insured rights and encourage a deeper understanding of the risk by all relevant parties. The legislation made significant changes to: the pre-contract duty of disclosure, insurer remedies in the event of a breach of the new duty of fair representation and certain terms used in policy wordings. This guide aims to assist risk professionals in making the most of the benefits of the Insurance Act, while ensuring their own compliance with the duties placed upon them.
Financial Reporting Council (FRC), 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
Companies seek to seize and deliver on opportunities that create long-term value that are aligned to their purpose. But every opportunity and every action (or inaction) has an associated risk. Investing is as much about assessing the risk as the related opportunity. This means that all organisations have a story to tell on these topics to investors, regulators and other stakeholders. But is this story clear, is it connected and does it reflect the organisation’s processes?
Wellspace Audio
AIG, 4th August 2021
Friday Reading Edition 75 (17th September 2021)
The Wellspace digital wellbeing solution has an extensive library of searchable content within the app available 24/7 with topics such as mental health, stress, low mood, bereavement, nutrition, financial wellbeing, sleep and exercise. This session covers Employee Engagement/Communication, Measuring Health & Wellbeing Impact, and the Unified Global Health & Wellbeing Programme.
Friday Reading Edition 75 (17th September 2021)
Given the importance of corporate reputation today, there is still a shortage of business leaders who are effectively leveraging reputation intelligence for the benefit of their organisation. Polecat interviewed global reputation professionals to gain a better understanding of how they are applying their efforts to get ahead and tackle the obstacles they face when managing corporate reputation.