Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Airmic, 23rd February 2023
Friday Reading Edition 142 (24th February 2023)
This report demonstrates why risk and internal audit professionals need to relook at the way they collaborate, as their organisations build resilience amid the maelstrom of geopolitical risks.
Chatham House, 21st February 2023
Friday Reading Edition 142 (24th February 2023)
This week at Chatham House, experts examined how the world has changed since 24 February 2022.
Pushkin House, 27th September 2022
Friday Reading Edition 142 (24th February 2023)
Yekaterina Schulmann is a public intellectual and prominent Kremlin critic now exiled in Germany. Is there any hope that the war will end any time soon? What should the citizens of the global West be focusing on? Are there any optimistic scenarios? Pushkin House is an independent cultural centre in London which now calls for new enquiry and re-evaluation of Russian culture.
Herbert Smith Freehills
Friday Reading Edition 141 (17th February 2023)
A collection of insights for business and investors on the potential impacts of Scottish independence.
World Economic Forum (WEF), 11th January 2023
Friday Reading Edition 137 (20th January 2023)
Recently released – The world faces a set of risks that feel both wholly new and eerily familiar. The Global Risks Report 2023 explores some of the most severe risks we may face over the next decade. As we stand on the edge of a low-growth and low-cooperation era, tougher trade-offs risk eroding climate action, human development and future resilience.
Marsh, 1st November 2022
Friday Reading Edition 137 (20th January 2023)
The impact of constrained access to key strategic commodities for G20 members will depend on both their reliance on Russian and Ukrainian imports and sanctions decisions. Turkey and China, for example, which rely substantially on Russia for mineral fuels and have chosen not to impose sanctions, will be able to continue importing from Russia.
Riskonnect, 27th October 2022
Friday Reading Edition 134 (9th December 2022)
[Free to watch upon sharing contact details] Dr Ariane Chapelle suggests various ways to characterise and address emerging risks in organisations, using a structured approach to address complex realities. Based on a methodology tested with central banks and other prominent organisations, she will explain the different ways of identifying and managing three types of emerging risks.
Allianz, 1st October 2022
Friday Reading Edition 129 (4th November 2022)
[Free to download upon sharing contact details] This report highlights some of the main cyber risk trends from an underwriting, risk consulting and claims perspective, such as the growing cost of ransomware attacks – which has been the major loss driver in recent years, the targeting of more smaller‑sized companies by hackers, the increasing frequency and sophistication of business email compromise attacks in the ‘Zoom and deep fake era’.
McKinsey & Co, 10th March 2022
Friday Reading Edition 129 (4th November 2022)
Companies can address and mitigate the disruptions of the future only by taking a more proactive, forward-looking stance. Over the next three to five years, McKinsey expects three major cybersecurity trends that cross-cut multiple technologies to have the biggest implications for organisations.
Marsh, 11th August 2022
Friday Reading Edition 121 (2nd September 2022)
More than six months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict’s long-term impact is coming into focus. Now, much of the focus has shifted from specific developments in Ukraine and Russia to economic inflation globally and a fracturing of the geopolitical order.