Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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HM Government, 19th October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
This report provides an overview of modern slavery in the UK and explains how the UK has responded to this threat over the last 12 months.
Institute of Business Ethics (IBE), 1st July 2019
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
The IBE Speak Up Toolkit helps employees prepare for raising a concern at work. It answers questions about the entire process – from noticing a problem and having a conversation through to what to expect if your concern is investigated.
Airmic,BLM , 11th October 2018
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
What the Modern Slavery Act 2015 means for, what the offences are, and what should be in your organisation’s modern slavery statement.
STOP THE TRAFFIK, 1st October 2018
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
[Warning: some readers may find the content of this report offensive or upsetting] The anonymity offered by the Darknet has created a space for illicit vendors and customers to conduct their business online. Policing this space is incredibly hard, and speculation around the use of the Darknet as an enabler of human trafficking has inevitably been made in recent years. STOP THE TRAFFIK teamed up with Cyjax – an expert cyber-intelligence company – to investigate supply, demand, and users’ perception of human trafficking on the Darknet.
Institute of Business Ethics (IBE)
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
[Free to use upon setting up an account] This toolkit is intended to guide you in your role as business owner, chief executive or manager seeking to protect your business against ethical lapses and in the journey to make your ethical values explicit. It suggests a simple, affordable approach to design an ethics framework.
Friday Reading Edition 55 (23rd April 2021)
Useful resources from Protect, the UK’s whistleblowing charity which aims to stop harm by encouraging safe whistleblowing.
Airmic, 12th April 2021
Friday Reading Edition 54 (16th April 2021)
[For Airmic members only] Biodiversity is intertwined with natural catastrophe risk as degraded coastal habitats offer lower protection against extreme events like storm surges, which will only become more intense and frequent with climate change. The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) is the world’s leading risk screening tool for biodiversity. This session discusses the use of the tool in the context of insurance to help manage risk, identify opportunities and encourage good practice. [Webinar recording]
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 1st April 2021
Friday Reading Edition 54 (16th April 2021)
The new Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) metric estimates the potential contributions of specific actions in specific places towards international biodiversity targets. It can help companies, the finance industry, governments and civil society better plan projects that would bring benefits for threatened species, assess biodiversity risk, and align contributions to achieve global targets.
World Bank,WWF, 1st December 2020
Friday Reading Edition 54 (16th April 2021)
If financial markets were to realign towards truly sustainable development, the financial sector needs to differentiate commercial actors more accurately on their climate and environmental performance. A potential breakthrough to help in this challenge is the emerging field of ‘Spatial Finance’ – the independent assessment of the location of a company’s or a country’s assets and infrastructure using ground data, remote sensing observations and modelled insights.
Zurich, 3rd March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 54 (16th April 2021)
Biodiversity loss is more than a niche concern – its impact stretches across the business spectrum. This article looks at the wide range of sectors confronted by the ticking clock of biodiversity loss.