The world of work is changing more dramatically than ever before with a range of factors transforming the work people do, how they work and where they work. Within this context, organisations continue to grapple with both existing and new challenges regarding effective people management to ensure that employees remain engaged and productive. To protect business value and mitigate people risk, organisations need to maximise the potential of their greatest asset- their talent - through effective talent management, cultural alignment, well-being strategies, and tactics that build employee trust and psychological safety in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world.
By the end of the session, you will be able to:
identify how the nature of work, the workforce and the workplace will change in the future
describe the impact of people risk on business success and why effective people risk management is so important to protect sustainable business value
determine how an organisation can effectively build organisational knowledge and skills fit for the future through effective talent management
revisit your own personal strengths and development needs for future success