Trump, the Digital Age and more, managing your US exposures

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In a changing world economy, where Brexit and global political movements are requiring organisations to rethink their model and strategy several large number of UK companies are setting their sights on US expansion and starting to export products or set-up operations there.   

But taking your game across the pond brings complexity. Whether companies have operated in the US for decades, or are making their first foray into this market, complying with the evolving insurance and tax regulations in each of the 50 States, can decide any company’s success in the US.

This Airmic and Travelers webinar explores:

  • The changing US political environment and the associated emerging risks 
  • The experiences of companies operating in the U.S and discuss lessons learnt - examine cases won and lost and how this differs state-by-state.
  • The risks of buying insurance in the US, in particular, how it compares to the UK insurance market

Related resources:

  1. Finding Your Way The Trade and Investment Guide to the USA 
  2. Travelers Whitepaper: An insurance buyer’s guide to the U.S. for U.K. companies 
Grouping title: 
US exposures