The Big Question…

Published on Fri, 12/04/2024 - 12:05

Airmic has been saying that the real-time monitoring of risks is important.

In a world of increasing volatility and velocity of risks, gone are the days of once-a-year risk assessment and reporting. Equally, whilst annual, topical and pulse outlook surveys and reports are still useful, how can we better prepare for and learn from recent crisis either made by man or nature – many of which were fully anticipated?

That’s why this year, Airmic has made a change to the way we do surveys. We will still consult members and partners on the big issues and check the pulse on topical subjects, every Monday morning, Airmic members will receive an email asking them just one question – the Airmic Big Question. 

This allows Airmic to be agile throughout the year. It also provides the risk and insurance community with the opportunity to have a conversation on the most pressing issues of the day as we publish the results. I think we’re doing something right, as the Airmic Big Question are also being covered extensively by the media.

As an example, this week we asked Airmic members whether they thought the ethical risks associated with using artificial intelligence (AI) should be treated separately from other ethical risks faced by their organisations. The question was stimulated by the growing support for organisations to establish AI ethics committees and separate AI risk frameworks from others. Yet there is a sense among some that ‘either you are ethical, or you are not’ – that it may not always be practical or desirable to separate AI ethical risks from other ethical risks. This debate will continue!

The results of each week’s survey is analysed individually and aggregated to inform Airmic on what our members are telling us about risks and trends. This knowledge will inform Airmic’s thought leadership, learning and event programmes.

Through the Airmic Big Question, we welcome everyone to join in the Airmic Risk Conversation.

Julia Graham

CEO, Airmic